For years, Liechtenstein has built up an excellent reputation as an attractive, forward-looking fund domicile. High standards in the Due Diligence Act, short approval periods for setting up funds or the AAA rating from S&P are just a few points that speak in favour of a fund in Liechtenstein. With a reliable and professional Liechtenstein bank at your side, the way is free for your private label fund.
With the Principality of Liechtenstein and SIGMA Bank AG, you have two partners at your side who are convincing on a competent and personal level.
We have specialised in offering flexible and individual solutions within the framework of the legal requirements. Our competences offer you
- Custodian function for your private label fund
- Administration of the fund unit register
- Issue and redemption of fund units
- Trading of investments from listed equities to private equity
- Securities service like corporate actions
- E-banking, payment transaction processing
- Service for Asset Manager like legal reporting
Your private label fund can not only cover the classic securities universe, such as equities, bonds and derivatives (UCITSG), but also opens up access – in particular as an AIF – to invest in high-value investments (real estate, precious metals, etc.) or alternative niches (hedge funds, crypto).
- Verwahrung und Handel der Private Label Fondsanteilsscheine
- Aufsetzung der Clearingfähigkeit der Private Label Fundanteile
- Umsetzung der Investmentstrategie des Asset Manager
- Überwachung der Anlagerichtlinien nach den gesetzlichen Vorschriften (UCITSG und AIFMG)
- Plausibilisierung/Prüfung der Nettoinventarwertberechnung
- Abwicklung des Zahlungsverkehrs
- Entgegennahme von Kauf- und Verkauforders für die Zielinvestments Ihres Private Label Fund
- Handel via SIGMA Bank AG sowie ISP DIRECT Zürich Trading AG – individuelle Primebrokerlösungen
- E-Banking Zugang zur Übersicht Ihres Private Label Fundportfolios
- Abwicklung von Wertschriften- und Kapitaltransaktionen (Corporate Action, Settlement)
- Übernahme MIFIR und EMIR Meldungen

Fabio Tschui
Head of Private Banking & Intermediaries
T +423 239 04 52 E Write E-Mail